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Writer's pictureRachel Hunter

How would you describe your cup? And I don't mean bra size

Is your cup half full, nearly empty, or like mine, overflowing?

This metaphorical approach relates to how negative or positive a person you are, but my view in this blog is from an energy point of view. Are you feeling worn out after a busy few days or full of vim and vigor? Mine is certainly the latter, which after a day trip to London, a late-night socialising and a full afternoon of entertaining you may think I should be on the lower end of the spectrum. So why not?

As an energy worker, it can be very easy to feel depleted, it's easy to feel burnt out because of emotional exhaustion, and it's a huge factor in keeping well when working with energy. I spend so much of my time caring for others and listening to their problems, some of which at times are all-consuming for them and I carry that. So, this weekend was perfect for me to soak up the positive energy like a sponge and refill my cup of energy, leaving me feeling happy, content, reset, and raring to go.

I allowed myself the full four days off, closing R&R Therapy on Wednesday afternoon, and am now sitting back at my desk in between clients sharing my thoughts with you.

All too often we don't realise just how low, tired, negative, and empty we feel until it is too late. Once it's too late we become poorly. I feel very strongly that we should 'at all costs' avoid that happening. Recognising the signs, knowing our weak spots, and putting something in place to avoid problems from occurring. We have to know our worth and as a Holistic Practitioner I have to practice what I preach and lead by example, don't I?

So I made the most of my four days off, and had fun (see my blog on May 5th), remembering that

fun + happiness = a full cup of positive energy leaving me feeling my best, which in turn means I can offer my best.

If I can help you to refill your energy cup, help you avoid stress, help you to relax and unwind, help you be more mindful and live in the moment then please get in touch.

I also help with Conception (reflexology), Maternity (reflexology), Menopause (reflexology), Reiki, Indian Head Massage, and more.


Here are a few photos of my weekend, The buzz in London was phenomenal and the Platimum trifle went down a treat with the family.


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