The emotional rollercoaster has been somewhat extreme, hasn't it?
Being a Holistic Practitioner unable to work has at times been a real struggle during lockdown, the frustrations of working on the same part of the body (feet) as a chiropodist (who has continued to work throughout) has puzzled me, but then the Complementary sector is undervalued and often misunderstood. My clients & all other clients across England are all now breathing a sigh of relief that help is once again at hand. And I am more than happy to be providing such a calming, caring & restorative therapy once more.
There has been much to do in preparation, for myself, just as much to conform to the Government guidelines, to be sure that each and every visitor feels safe and secure in my care.
My standards of hygiene have always been very high so the adjustments being made are all manageable.
I have my risk assessment complete, have completed a course regarding COVID-19 Awareness and am happy to say I'm good to go!
Changes within R&R Therapy have been made so please read my protocol.
Before attending your appointment:
If you have any health concerns (relating to Covid) please give me a call to discuss, if you're feeling unwell we can reschedule.
On arriving for your appointment.
On your arrival please wait in your car, if walking or using public transport please arrive on time, as I'm not using the reception area.
Please avoid bringing personal belongings with you, however there is a storage box if you need to.
You will be asked to wash or sanitise your hands before entering my therapy room
Go straight to the therapy couch and remove your shoes to avoid walking barefoot on the floor.
The therapy couch won't have the same coverings as in the past but your comfort and enjoyment are still my priority, be assured that between each client the therapy room will be cleaned with soapy water and disinfectant spray, all points of contact will be wiped down thoroughly between visitors.
I will be sanitising as per usual & wearing a mask/visor and apron.
Changes to Treatments:
No treatments to the face area will be done.
Some treatments have been temporarily withdrawn.
Please wear a mask.
You can pay in advance via BACS transfer or with cash, if its cash please bring the correct money in an envelope with your name.
Please note:
Have you have recently had a cough?
A high temperature?
Have you noticed a change in your normal sense of taste or smell?
Spent time in the company of someone showing these symptoms within the last 14 days?
Is anyone at home quarantined?
If so, please contact me to re-arrange your appointment, on 07546527004 with as much notice as possible so I have the opportunity to offer the appointment to another client.

I'm so looking forward to seeing you soon.

R&R Therapy
IMSL House
Benton Park Road
South Gosforth