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Have you heard of baby reflexology? Maybe not!

Baby Reflexology is a gentle therapy that’s been developed with baby’s in mind, it’s a wonderful tool for parents to use during those troublesome times, but equally essential as a preventative measure to develop a stronger immune system and detect & treat issues before baby shows any symptoms. Our instinct as a parent is to touch our babies, showing them our love, giving comfort and offering security, touch is also so important for aiding a baby’s growth and development too, so to add baby reflexology into the mix is a perfect way to help and care for your little one.

Jenny Lee, a Chartered Physiotherapist & Reflexologist worked with 47 children during 1994-97 to study the impact of reflexology and children who suffered from asthma. The main findings from the research were that the symptoms of asthma were alleviated, sleep improved & the bonding process between giver and child was significantly strengthened, from these findings Jenny Lee went on to develop Baby Reflexology as we know it today.

How does it help?

By applying gentle pressure and massage to the feet, you can release blockages, which in turn release toxins and make improvements to the circulation and flow of energy within the body.

There are several techniques put together in different routines focusing on:
Sleep, calming & soothing
Digestive system, alleviating constipation, tummy upsets, reflux, colic & wind
Helping with coughs, colds & snuffly noses
Pain & discomfort with teething
Strengthening the immune system and general wellbeing

A handbook is provided with all the information you will need for future reference as you'll learn a basic routine (covering a little of all aspects of baby reflexology) and techniques for sleep, calm, 
and relaxation, for the digestive system, wellbeing and to strengthen the immune system.


Being relaxed yourself sends a positive vibe to the baby. If you’re tense, feeling rushed or stressed baby will pick up on this, so choose a time that suits you, when you are feeling calm and relaxed.
If the baby is not well, certain reflexes may be quite sensitive, so be wary, it may be best to leave that aspect of reflexology until they are in better health.
Baby will show signs of discomfort by pulling away, arching their back, crying, or moving their head from side to side, if this is the case stop and try again at another time.
Think about the senses, gentle lighting, soft music, cosy blanket, this will help your little one to feel comforted.

I have spent over 30 years working as a Nursery Nurse within a variety of child care settings, I have two grown children of my own, am a qualified & experienced Baby Reflexology Instructor, with DBS clearance, and am insured with Balens Ltd.

To Book:

Contact me (Rachel) at or call 07546527004 to book. You can book either a home visit* or come along to my therapy room in South Gosforth if you’ve friends that are keen to learn I’m happy to work with a small group within a home environment.

Cost from £40* (per Mum & baby) please contact for details


* depending on location there may be an added cost for mileage & travel time

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