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Reflexology, is a non-intrusive complementary health therapy that originates from the Oriental roots of acupressure, based on the theory that there are reflex points within the feet that correspond with the systems, organs & skeletal structure. A form of therapy that helps to normalise the body's functions and promote well-being. encouraging a self-healing process and can be used safely in conjunction with conventional medicine.

So, what happens?

Using my fingers and thumbs I apply pressure and massage to the reflex* points on the feet to stimulate the circulation & flow of energy throughout the body, helping you to relax, re-balance and re-energize, leading to an improved sense of wellbeing.


Reflexology has been proven to be beneficial for 


  • Deep Relaxation

  • Alleviate Stress and Tension

  • Improve Sleep

  • Restore Balance

  • Improve Feelings of Wellbeing


 "I've come to realise in recent months (lockdown!) that whilst I've always enjoyed Reflexology and appreciated the benefits it can bring, it's actually more than that and it's something that helps keep body & mind together and part of my routine for self-care.

Not being able to have a treatment was I think my detriment. Being able to fully relax in your beautiful room and be 'In the Moment' is quite a gift. I also very much appreciate you taking the time to understand how I'm feeling and where I may have pain and then post-treatment, sharing your observations with me to help my understanding of what I'm feeling and the approach you have applied" 


Tracy, August 2020

It's time to put the spring back in your step!!

Reflexology is a therapy that almost anyone can benefit from, babies to the elderly and everyone in between. However, occasionally there may be health issues that would prevent a treatment from taking place, so if you're unsure give me a call and we can chat about any concerns you may have.

*these are points in the feet that correspond to organs, tissue, and the major systems within the body.


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Maternity Reflexology


You’re going to be a Mum! It's such an exciting time, but it wouldn’t be unusual if you felt a little daunted especially if this is baby #1. Becoming pregnant is a time of many changes, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally too. Having regular reflexology during pregnancy can help to bring about a state of balance, creating a sense of inner calm, which can lead to a happier, more positive pregnancy.

During the 1st Trimester, it can be a difficult phase of your pregnancy, with possible feelings of nausea, extreme tiredness, constipation, etc, suddenly so much is happening! Also if this is your first pregnancy following infertility the anxiety can be all-consuming. It is possible to have Reflexology during this time; however, it would depend on your previous history of pregnancy (miscarriages, etc.)

It's a period of adjustment mentally, physically, and emotionally so if you'd prefer to wait until the 2nd trimester before having reflexology but feel anxious and emotional I offer sessions for Mindfulness, Relaxation, and Meditation.

2nd Trimester, for most women this is the most enjoyable time during pregnancy, feeling healthy and well. The baby begins to move and hormones settle. Reflexology at this time is fabulous for rebalancing, re-energising, relaxation, and treating any minor ailments, such as anxiety, back pain, fatigue, insomnia, headaches, nausea, stress, and tension.

3rd Trimester, the final stage of pregnancy, the baby reaches maturity and prepares for birth. As Mummy-to-be you’re ready to meet your new family member albeit feeling nervous about the birth, it's also a time of discomfort, sleep may be disturbed and the hormones are doing their bit too. Reflexology is recommended on a weekly basis towards the end of your pregnancy helping to balance the hormones and prepare for the baby’s arrival.

A session would be over a shorter period of time  & focus would be given to relaxation, harmonising and balancing the endocrine system, helping to calm and soothe. Maternity Reflexology can gently prepare the body for birth. 

There is evidence to suggest that regular reflexology during pregnancy can lead to a reduced, less intense labour, with improved recovery time and resulting in a stronger bonding between mother and baby.

4th Trimester is usually a time of complete happiness and excitement but there are times when this isn’t so. As new mums, we put ourselves under enormous pressure, there may be breastfeeding issues, hormonal imbalances and the lack of sleep can cause frustration and sadness. Reflexology can be hugely beneficial during this stage helping you to feel relaxed, rested and improve feelings of wellbeing

Research Links



Conception Reflexology


Reflexology for conception focuses on creating a sense of balance and harmony, promoting the blood circulation around the body and working to balance the endocrine system as well and strengthening the immune system.

As a Reflexologist, I don’t claim to be able to solve the struggles of becoming a parent, but I will offer my utmost support and help to balance your wellbeing, physically, emotionally, and mentally as I totally understand the deep-rooted urge to be a parent. I can help you to feel relaxed, calm, reassured, and rebalanced.


It’s always best to consult with your GP, clinic, or consultant prior to starting treatments, I’m not a replacement for fertility treatments, nor do I claim to guarantee a pregnancy.


"You helped me after a miscarriage and a then seemingly never-ending journey of not getting pregnant, working to seriously de-stress me and stimulate the endocrine and reproductive systems. What also helped was your conversation and sharing about your own journey to having your family. I can't tell you how much it helped to talk to someone who knew and who had come out the other end." Caroline


Mindful Reflexology


This aspect of reflexology has been created specifically to help support clients with stress, anxiety, and depression. Statistics show that 1 in 4 adults (here in the UK) will experience some form of mental health issues each year, with approximately 1 in 6* school-age children suffering too, how desperately sad that is!

Where there is short-lived stress in our lives we cope, we are equipped to cope but when it lingers over a longer period of time it becomes a difficulty. Mindful reflexology incorporates a relaxing range of techniques to help rebalance the body. If you feel irritable, sad, lonely, moody, your sense of humour has disappeared, tearful, have an inability to relax, then please get in touch, I can help.


Menopause Reflexology


Such a hot topic (pardon the pun) at the moment and rightly so! The Menopausal chapter of our life can be quite dramatic, there is such a lot happening, you may be caring for parents, watching your children fly the nest, and amongst all of that life will not be the same again, that appears full of gloom but it needn't be! Choosing menopause reflexology can help, along with a listening ear and space purely dedicated to you can seriously make a world of difference. Let's talk about anything and everything that's a problem right now, and let me help ease symptoms with specific techniques unique to menopause reflexology.


You'll find links to studies below

​ (The effects of reflexology on sleep disorder in menopausal women)

​ (The effect of foot reflexology applied to women aged between 40 and 60 on vasomotor complaints and quality of life

​ (The effects of foot reflexology on depression during menopause: A randomized controlled clinical trial


Following your treatment


How will I feel following a treatment?

Relaxation with an improved sense of wellbeing is very often mentioned when asking clients for feedback. Sometimes tired and a bit tearful too. However this is a positive, for it's an indication that the treatment received is making an impact, a healing response is taking place, after 24 hours I then hear how energetic, balanced, happy, or rested they feel.

To help ease this it's essential to drink plenty of water, listen to your body, rest & relax as much as you can.

Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, heavy meals, and medication (unless it's prescribed).

A healing response can last for approx 24 hours, sometimes as much as 48 hours.

I'm always more than happy to discuss how you're feeling following your treatment and if you have any concerns please don't hesitate to contact me on 07546527004.


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